Friday, August 15, 2008

'Slamming the boards'

Must say - I think it sounds a bit like wrestling. Although I'm not saying that what these Librarians are doing is a bad thing, I don't know if I think that it should be part of work. I think most questions on the boards are asking for opinions. I'd like to believe that if someone has a reference inquiry, they would seek help from a librarian.

However I am amazed at the number of health related questions - hope these people go to doctors as well as seeking public opinion.

I have had some thought about our
'Ask a Librarian' service on the website. Perhaps rather then having forms to fill out it should be in an answerboard format. I think it might apeal to more people.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Discover #2: week 8 after thought

Point 4 "try searching for nswpln2008..." Is this something left over from the public Libraries course - our images are tagged slnsw2008.